What Kind Of Cheese Can Dogs Eat

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Is Cottage Cheese Safe For Dogs

CAN DOGS EAT CHEESE? ð§ Or Other DAIRY Products?

If your dog is lactose intolerant or allergic to milk and dairy products do not include cottage cheese or any dairy into their diet.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance and dairy allergies are bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach pain, excessive itching, eye seeping, and skin rashes.

Consult a veterinarian to discuss the proper amount of cottage cheese to add to your dogs healthy diet.

Steer Clear Of Processed Cheeses

You also want to watch out for processed products like cheese slices, spray cheese and cheese spreads. These products are highly processed. Some of them cant even qualify as cheese because theyre less than 51% real cheese.

They can also have added ingredients like sodium phosphate. Sodium phosphate is in spray cheese . It stops the ingredients in spray cheese from separating. But studies have also shown it absorbs differently than natural phosphate. This can elevate your dogs phosphate levels and lead to health problems or even death.

NOTE: Some cheese slices and spreads have wholesome ingredients. You just want to be sure to check the label.

How Often Can Dogs Eat Cheese

Weve thrown around the terms moderation and small amounts quite a lot in this article. But just how small an amount are we talking? And more importantly, how much cheese is too much for your furry friend?

Well, suffice to say youre not going to be inviting Rex to partake in that decadent cheeseboard youve arranged. Even a small amount of cheese for humans might be a little too much for your pup. Cheese can be very high in calories, so try to stick to as small an amount as possible. A one-centimetre cube or thin slice will be more than enough for most dogs particularly little ones.

For dogs who are particularly food-motivated , a comprehensive pet insurance policy can give you some added peace of mind should they get stuck into the mozzarella when youre not looking.

Not only should you limit how much cheese your dog enjoys, but you should try not to make it a part of their regular diet. Instead, think of cheese as you would any other dog treat. It can be a useful tool in training, but it shouldnt be a regular addition to their breakfast or dinner.

If your four-legged friend has a particular love for cheese, you may be tempted to use it to hide medication. In most cases, this is fine, but there is one thing to keep in mind. Any type of dairy can reduce the absorption of antibiotics, so for these types of medicines, stick with one of their other favourite treats.

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Can Dogs Have Cheese That Is Soft

Is cottage cheese good for dogs? Cottage cheese typically contains less sodium than harder cheeses, which is a big plus. It also seems to be quite easy on the stomachs of our canine friends. A study on treating colitis in dogs used a diet that contained cottage cheese and it resulted in no noticeable negative effects.

Unfortunately, cottage cheese is messier than other cheeses. Its difficult to dish out in treat-sized portions unless you feed your dog from a spoon. This, coupled with the risk of cottage cheese having added milk, might rule this one out for you.

Safe Types Of Cheese For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? How About Other Dairy Products?

There are plenty of cheeses that are perfectly safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Cheddar is one of those cheeses, so if you are eating some, you can safely give a bit to your dog. They can also enjoy some string cheese.

Here are some other cheeses that your dog can eat:

  • Colby, Monterey Jack, and Swiss Cheeses These are all lower in lactose than other cheeses and are less likely to cause stomach upset
  • Cottage Cheese This is the healthiest cheese option for dogs, as long as you dont give them too much. A spoonful now and again makes a great treat. It is low in fat, and high in protein

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Can Dogs Eat String Cheese

If youre trying to fatten up a super-skinny pup, the odd portion of string cheese shouldnt cause any disasters. But if you have a small dog, or a slightly tubby puppy, its best to keep the string cheese in the pantry. One stick of string cheese contains 90 calories, which is way too much for a dog in one sitting.

Are Dogs Allergic To Cheese

Though pets typically tolerate milk and cheese well, many dogs can develop an allergy to it.

Age does not discriminate when it comes to allergies.

Canine allergies to dairy, foods, medications, latex, and other products can cause an inflammation that results in symptoms like itching, hair loss, and dermatitis.

This one is a huge surprise: dairy can be really bad for your dog. Cheese is a popular dog training treat, and it’s not really one of the most dangerous foods for dogs. However, too much cheese can cause constipation or diarrhea in the short term, and in the long term, obesity and lasting gastrointestinal issues.

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How To Feed Your Dog Cheese Safely

Now that we know the answer to the question, can dogs eat cheese? is yes, its important to remember a few things before you go forth and share that last bit of your ham and cheese jaffle. So lets recap:

  • Not all cheeses are safe for dogs. Blue cheese and any cheese that contains dog-unfriendly ingredients to dogs should be avoided
  • Some dogs shouldnt eat cheese at all. Dogs with lactose intolerance, obesity, or kidney issues should not eat any cheese
  • Moderation is key. The smaller the dog, the smaller the amount of cheese they should have. Larger puppers can handle a tiny bit more, but its better to err on the side of caution with small portions as an occasional treat
  • Do not use cheese to conceal antibiotics. Cheese can be used to help some medications go down, but antibiotics actually become less effective when consumed with dairy

However Not All Dogs Can Eat Cheese

ð¥Can Dogs Eat CHEESE? â¶ï¸ Facts 2019 – You’ll be VERY SUPRISED!

As we mentioned previously, its not a universal rule that all dogs can eat cheese. This is because although a little cheese as a treat, or a small piece snuffled off the floor, likely wont harm your dog, its not guaranteed.

Some varieties of cheese, and the amount that is eaten, can cause digestive upset even in a dog that normally can eat cheese. Additionally, some dogs cant eat cheese due to individual sensitivities.

Whether your dog is okay to eat cheese will depend on these factors. That is the amount of cheese they eat, the type of cheese they eat, and most importantly, your dogs individual dietary needs.

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Watch The Salt Content

Hard aged cheeses are especially salty. This is because salt helps draw out the moisture and age the cheese. Other cheeses with lots of salt include

  • Processed cheese slices
  • Roquefort
  • Feta

Your dog needs some salt in his diet to help balance out fluids and maintain nerve function. But too much salt can lead to dehydration or worse salt poisoning.

Thats because large amounts of salt cause your dogs body to release water into the bloodstream. This helps dilute the salt levels and flush it out of his system. But if too much water gets redirected to his bloodstream, his brain cells wont get the water they need. This can cause brain cell damage and lead to dizziness, headaches, seizures, coma or death.

While a small piece of salty cheese as a treat wont do much harm, its best to stick with low sodium options. This includes cottage cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, cream cheese, swiss and goat.

And if your dog does accidentally eat a large amount of cheese give him lots of water and watch for signs of salt poisoning. These include extreme thirst, frequent urination, diarrhea or vomiting and decreased appetite. Your dog may also seem confused or faint.

Yes Dogs Can Have Cream Cheese In Moderation

If your dog isnt lactose intolerant, it shouldnt be a problem to let them have a little bit of cream cheese once in a while. Otherwise, talk to your vet, and ask about other nutrient-rich foods that you can give your dog instead that they will love, but that are going to be a lot better for them.

And if you are worried at all about giving cream cheese as a treat, avoid it all together. There are other cheeses that are safer, such as cottage cheese which has a much lower lactose content.

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Which Cheeses Are Unsafe For Dogs

Its best to stay on the safe side and keep your pet away from blue cheeses such as stilton. The fungus used to make these cheeses produces a substance called roquefortine C, which dogs can be sensitive to. This substance can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, high temperatures and even seizures. The risk of these symptoms is higher if your dog eats a large amount of cheese. If you notice any of these signs after your dog eats blue cheese, call your vet urgently.

High fat cheeses can cause vomiting and diarrhoea, especially if your pet eats a lot of them. Call your vet if you are worried.

Risk Of Cottage Cheese For Dogs

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While cottage cheese is healthier, there are some risks in feeding it to your dog. Be fully informed before sharing some with them:

Most dogs are lactose intolerant Lactose is the sugar component of milk and other dairy products. To break down lactose, a chemical compound found in the small intestine called lactase is needed. If one is lactose intolerant, it means that the body does not produce enough lactase to synthesize it. Naturally, dogs produce very low quantities of lactase except before the weaning stage. Although cottage cheese has lower lactose levels compared to other milk-based products, it is still wise to check how sensitive their tummies are to lactose.

Dogs with pancreatitis If your dog is suffering from pancreatitis, it is not in their best interest to give cottage cheese. Dogs with this health condition do not usually respond well to new diet additions and usually have trouble digesting food. Since cottage cheese still has some portions of fat in it, it is better to steer clear from it.

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Can Dogs Eat Cheese

Dog owners and dog trainers alike can fall into the cheese trap, as most dogs will suddenly morph from four-legged terrors to obedient little angels if you whip out a cheese stick.

The internet is divided when it comes to feeding Fido cheesy treats. One camp says its fine in moderation, and others forbid it altogether. As with any new food, run any questions by your vet ahead of time.

There isnt an easy answer for this some dogs will be fine with cheese, and others may be super sensitive to it. Even dog owners who swear by cheesy treats admit that it should be an occasional indulgence, not a regular snack. The fat and calorie content of most commercial cheeses will pile on the pounds, and smaller dogs especially may end up gaining excessive weight.

While some cheese products are better than others, there are certain cheeses that should be avoided altogether.

Like humans, some dogs are lactose intolerant. Any cheese consumption for a lactose-intolerant dog is likely to end up in:

  • Horrible, never-ending streams of diarrhea

  • Farts so foul that your indoor plants will wither and die before your eyes

  • Vomiting, Exorcist-style

  • One sad puppy

And yes, Im one of lucky few who found out my dog was lactose intolerant the hard way! It goes without saying that a lactose-intolerant dog should avoid all dairy products.

What Cheese Can Dogs Not Eat

Make sure to stay away from cheese like blue cheese and Roquefort. Not only do these cheeses have high fat content, but when they get super ripe, they can produce roquefortine, which is potentially lethal for dogs to consume. Also, stay away from cheese with herbs and garlic like Havarti or cream cheese.

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Final Tips For Feeding Your Dog Cheese:

  • Moderation is key. Feed cheese to your dog in small amounts, and not frequently.
  • Start small if your dog has never eaten lactose to make sure hes not sensitive to it.
  • Treat your dog with low salt, low fat cheeses.
  • Avoid blue cheese or similar moldy cheeses.
  • Ask your vet beforehand if cheese is safe for your dog.

You can even share your favorite comfort food with your dog like macaroni and cheese but always practice moderation. These kinds of treats should make up a very small percentage of your dogs diet. Learn about 10 more people foods you can feed your dog!

There you go, dogs can eat cheese. Give your a dog a cheesy treat and let us know if he/she likes it in the comments!

Lactose Intolerance In Dogs

Foods Your Dog Can & Can’t Eat | Talkin’ Dogs List Show

Not all dogs digest cheese well, and while cheese contains little lactose when compared to whole milk, dogs with severe cases of lactose intolerance may have adverse reactions to cheese, even in small quantities. Observe your dog closely for signs of intestinal upset after feeding cheese for the first time, and consult your veterinarian with any questions you may have about adding cheese to your dogs diet.

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Who Should Not Feed Their Dog Cherries

Just like with any other food, there are certain times when you should not give your dog cherries. For example: Never feed your dog fresh cherry pits they contain cyanide which is poisonous.

Never feed your dog ripe cherries. The pits and seeds inside of cherries contain cyanide which is poisonous in high doses.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten a cherry, watch for the symptoms of an upset stomach and get him to a veterinarian immediately.

Can Dogs Eat Cherries

Another food we sometimes wonder if we can give our dogs is cherries. Lets face it Fido always wants to eat whatever youre having. But that doesnt mean you should say yes and hand it over.

The fact of the matter is you shouldnt give your dog cherries. They can cause several potential problems and dangers. There is cyanide in the cherry leaves, stems, and pits. Yes, seriously, cyanide. If your dog ends up eating large amounts of cherries, this can be especially dangerous.

While some kinds of cherries, such as maraschino cherries, are pre-prepared and have their pits removed, they are full of sugar. You dont want your dog to ingest the amount of sugar found in maraschino cherries. Its bad for their teeth and overall health.

If your dog has eaten one cherry, he will probably be fine. There wont be enough cyanide in that for there to be health problems. However, do watch out for if your dog has any kind of reaction. Some of the symptoms of a potential problem may include constipation and not producing feces as often, less appetite, vomiting, and even intestinal blockage.

Cherry pits can cause intestinal blockage. If you know your dog has ingested a cherry pit, watch him carefully for at least a full day. Even if he just swallowed a tiny pit, there may still be a problem if hes a small dog.

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Be Choosy And Limit How Much Cheese Your Dog Eats

Sodium and fat levels are two more reasons to go easy.

At the very least, stick to modest amounts and avoid making it a regular thing. Otherwise it is generally a bad idea to feed your dog cheese.

The best use, quite honestly, is tactical.

For example, some owners conceal their dogs meds by hiding it in a small hunk of cheese.

What Cheeses Are Bad For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Good &  Bad Cheese Types

Though dogs can eat cheese, there are certain caveats. Although cheese is non-toxic to dogs , some types are not suitable.

One type of cheese that dogs should absolutely not eat is blue cheese. The fungus that grows in blue cheeses like Stilton, Gorgonzola, and Roquefort can produce a toxic compound called roquefortine C. This compound can be highly dangerous to dogs, particularly if consumed in large amounts.

If you suspect your dog has eaten blue cheese, look out for the following signs. If you spot any of them, contact your vet immediately.

  • Vomiting
  • High temperature
  • Seizures

Its also important to keep your dog away from cheeses with other additions that may be toxic to them. That means any cheese that contains pooch-unfriendly ingredients like garlic, onion, or raisins.

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Will Cheese Kill Dogs

Unfortunately, dogs shouldn’t be given bacon, as its high fat content can lead to pancreatitis in dogs.

dogs that eat bacon will experience problems with digestion and nutrient absorption.

Like milk, Dogs don’t have the enzymes to break down cheese, so it can cause diarrhea and vomiting if a dog eats it in excess.

How Much Cherry Should I Feed My Dog

Never feed your dog fresh cherries of any kind. Because there isnt enough research about just how harmful one whole cherry can be for a dog, Dr. Lee warns against feeding your pet any at all. Even though its unlikely to make them very sick, she recommends staying on the safe side to avoid a scary emergency situation.

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Macadamia Nuts: Cant Eat

Dogs should never eat macadamia nuts.

Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin that may lead to vomiting, muscle weakness, tremors, hyperthermia and depression when dogs consume them, even in small amounts .

Additionally, macadamia nuts have a high fat content, which may elevate your dogs triglyceride levels and potentially lead to pancreatitis.

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